Forest Temple Boss: Phantom Ganon: Phantom Ganondorf

Phantom Ganon has two phases.  In the first phase, he rides into a picture and then two of him rides back.  One of them is fake.  You can tell which one is fake because the fake one rides slightly to the left of the path in the picture, and the real one rides slightly to the right.  Stand in the middle of the room with an arrow ready to fire and rotate around scanning the pictures.  When one of the pictures has Phantom Ganon start coming back out of the picture (a bunch of purple light will appear) fire an arrow at him right away.  If you hit him he'll retreat and you can do it again.  If you miss he'll zap you. After you've done this 3 times he'll lose the horse and start flying around the room shooting bolts at you.  You'll quickly notice that you can block the bolts but you can't seem to hurt him at all. Well, next time Phantom Ganon shoots a bolt at you, hit it with your sword to shoot it back at him.  HOWEVER, watch out as he might hit it back at you again!  So be ready to hit it again if it comes flying back to you.  Sometimes you'll hit it back and forth like 10 times before it finally gets him.  The more times it bounces back and forth the more it going to hurt too.  When it does hit him he'll fall to the ground.  Take this opportunity to give it to him with a jump slash from your sword.  Then he'll fly back up again.  The more times the bolt bounced before hitting him the longer he'll be on the ground.  Keep doing this until he dies.  Sometimes when he's almost dead he'll fly toward you with a super powerful spear stab. 
Try to dodge it if you can, you can't block it.  Also, remember to stay far away from him when he's firing bolts because it will make it easier to hit them back at him. Here is a thing to make the battle much harder. Hit the bolt with a spin slash and it will go real fast. But if Phantom Ganon hits it, it will be fast too! Once he's dead you'll get a message from the real Ganondorf.  Grab your heart container and get out of the temple via the blue light.